Completed with wings that can be opened 90° in case of panic, Manusa automatic doors provide maximum passage space by combining the sliding door functionality with the wings being able to be opened in the exit position. In normal mode, the door slides sideways and operates automatically, and in an emergency, the wings are simply pushed outwards, opening 90° to provide a wide evacuation passage.
Manusa automatic sliding doors suitable for panic escape; It is recommended for residential buildings such as airports, stations or supermarkets, public buildings and facilities where a larger than normal access area is required. The doors are fully compatible with Manusa accessories.
- 125mm mechanism height,
- Ability to see malfunctions with digital selector,
- Configuration adaptable to all architectural environments,
- Maximum clear passage in minimum space,
- High opening speed,
- Ability to communicate with the fire alarm system,
- Remote access with internet of things technology,
- All types of surface coating, including wood veneer appearance,
- Wide range of accessories,
- All types of surface coating, including wood veneer appearance,
- Minimum energy consumption with inverter technology,
- Compliance with EN 16005 safety standards,
- Maximum silence with fully compatible mechanical parts,
- Easy access to the mechanism thanks to its flexible front cover,
- Longevity with 5 million expansion declaration.